After any physical illness a doctor suggests to do exercise. Here the exercise must be according to the illness and physical/mental state of the person.
Improving the physical state of the body
After a person goes through drug rehabilitation, his body goes through various changes. He has to take different drugs to get to the normal state of physical health. He must focus on the diet as well as on the protein and vitamin intake. Exercising not only improves the blood circulation but helps in generating healthy hormones in the body.
Preparing to take the rehab treatment
A drug rehabilitation session can be quite stressful both from the physical as well as the mental point of view. The heavy doses of medicine, the impact of counseling session etc are not so easy.
Exercising helps in giving the body a fitness to indulge in these sessions. It is rightly said that a heavy mind is a heavy body, so exercise is important. Any rehabilitation center will have trained staff that can guide the patients regarding which exercises to perform during and after the rehab therapy.
An added advantage
During a drug rehab session, a person is subjected to various recreational activities that helps him to cope with the situation. After a while he is trained to carry on without drug so that the body is not addicted to medicine. Here an exercise will add on to give an added advantage.
The patient is always engaged in recreation activity and he finds a way to kill time. It is noted that exercising helps in building a positive attitude and thus is a must recommended.
Types of exercises
A rehabilitation therapist recommends the most appropriate type of exercise to suit the patient’s condition. Since, every rehabilitation session is different, so the exercise will also be different. Here are few common types of exercises:
Cardio exercise
The most common type of exercise is the cardio one. Here the person, under the guidance of the trainer, learns to strengthen the cardio muscles. Care is taken that not too much pressure is given to the patient at the first case. Slowly the intensity of the exercise is increased and the improvement is marked.
Outdoor exercise
Outdoor exercise is the best one. one can enjoy the outdoor scenic beauty and exercise at the same time.. Light to medium exercises can be included in outdoor ones.
Yoga is timeless. It does not matter how much we advance, the benefits of yoga cannot be defined by any modern exercise.
These types of exercises must be done only under medical supervision. The type of exercises differ according to the situation.